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How to simulate for your success

In Kyocera philosophy, there is a motto, “ Think deeply until you can visualise the results in detail.” Inamori said, “In order for us to work, we must reach the mental condition where we can visualise the results. What was initially a dream or aspiration, but seriously, as I said, when we repeat the simulations …

The direction of Japan, is the new leader reliable?

As Kishida mentioned his general policy on October 8th, I would like to share with you my impression on reliability towards Kishida. The impressions that I got were as follows. 1 Clear and easy to understand 2 Point focused speech 3 Good at HR management 4 Loser hero 5 Possibility of ending up a“Fake elite” …

Is transparency possible? Betrayer = betrayed one

One of Kyocera’s business management mottos is transparency in terms of accounting figures and numbers. Inamori said “at Kyocera, management is based on relationships of trust. Everything is open, including accounting, and there is no doubt about the development of the system. As an example, in (Hourly Profitability System), the business results of all departments …

Criteria of leaders who can turn around their business

Some leaders have improved the performance of their companies since they started learning business philosophy from Inamori*. On the other hand, the companies of some leaders haven’t shown little progress or even remained the same. I was wondering what the differences are. From the psychological viewpoint, the former believe their destiny becomes better, while the …

Live in a world of profitability

Inamori mentioned corporate profitability.   “There is basically no difference between two companies: profitable ones and loss-making ones. The latter must work hard and drive their profitability tremendously in the short term. So, they could live in a world of profit. I call it changing the world, which means changing your mindset, the environment, players, …

The secret of resilience, from JP companies with 300yrs history

Under the COVID pandemic, more and more family businesses have asked the bankruptcy procedures. This is not only due to their financial status but also the lack of successors. As many of JPs family businesses have had that successor issue, under COVID, they easily tend to give up keeping their businesses.   Around 2014, the …

Why is the studio apartment investment now?

For past half decade, the studio investment has been a trend in Japan. Those arrangers have acquired land on behalf of the potential investors, planed and developed the site as the studio apartment and sold them to the investors. Especially in Kyushu region, the Southern part of Japan, those service providers have been quit active. …

Forecast of JP office market: negative

In Nikkei Real Estate Market Trend, around twenty professionals made their forecasts on the next 18months office market trend. This time, I would like to summarize their views and analyze the future trend by incorporating my views.   1 Macro economics>>> negative Around half of professionals see almost no change, the current trend would be …

To refine our hearts and mind -values in HR training-

This time, Inamori eagerly told Kyocera management staff the fundamental tips to train people. He passionately shared his experience and wisdoms that he obtained through his career. The points are as follows.   1 Remain humble 2 Read intensively 3 Be responsible for the future profit 4 Ponder the nature of LOVE 5 Do good …

Great entrepreneur shared seven tips to train CEO’s substitutes Part 2

We were talking about how to create the CEO’s substitutes, right arms, or avatars. This time, Inamori shared tips or attitudes, by which we can motivate our staff. Tips are as follows: 1 Creating your partner Developing your Followers Demonstrating the significance of our works Raising the corporate vision Sharing the corporate mission Getting rid …

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