Tags : Japan
Great entrepreneur shared seven tips to train CEO’s substitutes Part 1
2021年5月26日 Philosophy
During the business startup, it’s hard to get capable human resources. However, as the business grows, the top leader should hire his staff to expand his business. This time, Inamori shared tips or attitudes, by which we can motivate our staff. Tips are as follows: 1 Creating your partner Developing your Followers Demonstrating the significance …
When will Japanese inbound tourists come back?
2021年5月10日 Market Trend
It has been more than one year since the COVID-19 pandemic spread almost all over the world. Some global investors have acquired large hotel portfolios. Other investors have been investing into residential port in Tokyo central. Others have been very much active to invest logistics and data centers together with Japanese business partners. …
How to Succeed your business in the U.S, by JAL savor. Part2
2021年4月8日 Philosophy
This time, several entrepreneurs who started their businesses in the U.S and have been learning at Seiwajuku shared their experiences with other members. The majority of them have had difficulties in their business growth under the very harsh competition as well as the “profit driven” environment in the U.S. However, Julie, the owner and the …
How to Succeed your business in the U.S, by JAL savor. Part1
2021年4月6日 Philosophy
This time, several entrepreneurs who started their businesses in the U.S and have been learning at Seiwajuku shared their experiences with other members. The majority of them have had difficulties in their business growth under the very harsh competition as well as the “profit driven” environment in the U.S. However, Julie, the owner and the …
What is the process of development permission in Japan?
2021年3月5日 CivilEngineering
In Japan, when it comes to a building construction, there are two major building permissions to be considered. 1 Land development permission and 2 Building permission. No 1 is required for the land with more than a certain size however, No 2 is required for the most of buildings. For the large size of land, …
To explore good investment, tips in property finding
2021年2月11日 Market Trend
Now, even under COVID pandemic, the investment market has been bullish, and the property prices have not been decreased that much. Therefore, I would like to suggest how to find a good property to be invested. 1 Identify cities to be invested 2 Identify zonings 3 Identify the designated zoning under the selected cities 4 …
How to develop an invincible team,Part 2, a team building motto, said by Japanese football team director
2021年1月18日 Philosophy
Mr. Inamori*, the honorly chairman of Kyocera, who is the main sponsor of Kyoto purple Sanga, the Kyoto based football team, conducted a leadership of Sanga team building. Okada, the director of Japan national football team, fought in several World cup matches. Okada joined Seiwajuku lead by Mr. Inamori to learn the tips of leadership …
How to develop an invincible team1 , a team building motto, said by Japanese football team director
2021年1月14日 Philosophy
Mr. Inamori*, the honorly chairman of Kyocera, who is the main sponsor of Kyoto purple Sanga, the Kyoto based football team, conducted a leadership of Sanga team building. Okada, the director of Japan national football team, fought in several World cup matches. Okada joined Seiwajuku lead by Mr. Inamori to learn the tips of leadership …
I like this one: Toyota CEO’s choice
2021年1月12日 Uncategorized
Yesterday, in Japanese TV program, Akio Toyota, the CEO of Toyota group, was asked by the moderator. “If you were going back to the past and were allowed to choose another career, or another life, what kind of scenario life would you choose?” Akio immediately answered, “I like this one. Of course, I have had …
When a torophy asset is sold to REIT, the REIT share would fall?
2020年12月25日 Market Trend
Now we have evidenced that large real estate companies have sold their assets to their REIT companies. I would like to analyze the background and the consequence that will be seen over the middle to long term. 1 Trophy assets have been selected 2 Those assets are sold to REITs in a group company 3 …