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Tags : Inamori Kazuo

Why does misfortune come to you? Part 2

Mr. Inamori talks about the attitude of leaders to grow and develop a company. There are three points Remain always humble and don’t exploit your talent for your own sake Thoughts make your karma (keep humanity attitudes) Follow two forces governing in the universe (growth & harmony)   This time, I would like to talk …

Why does misfortune come to you? Part1

Mr. Inamori talks about the attitude of leaders to grow and develop a company. There are three points Remain always humble and don’t exploit your talent for your own sake Thoughts make your karma (keep humanity attitudes) Follow two forces governing in the universe (growth & harmony)   This time, I would like to talk …

Compass for fulfillment, what impressed the CEO of American Airline Part 2

I have been doing this philosophy marathon for about two years. Now I have realized that Mr. Inamori has always precisely found what the root cause is for each one of managerial decisions. Why could he do this? This is simply because he understands well, what kind of value standard each one of us has …

Behaviors to lose your lucky charm Part2

Ten years later, Kathy is neither a representative of the company nor an officer. In the Seiwajuku workshop, a CEO, Kathy(pseudonym), showed her management experience. The company that she happened to work for has come to be subject to the Corporate Rehabilitation Law. As Kathy helped the procedure, she eventually became the representative of this …

Behaviors to lose your lucky charm Part 1

In the Seiwajuku workshop, a CEO, Kathy(pseudonym), showed her management experience. The company that she happened to work for has come to be subject to the Corporate Rehabilitation Law. As Kathy helped the procedure, she eventually became the representative of this company. The corporate debt can be repaid under her management and the company restarted. …

To enhance the engagement of elite staffs Part2

“When I got into JAL management as the chairman, one of the tough parts is ‘educating top management.’ In other words, how to implement the business philosophy to them. The majority of philosophy consists of the ethical values and disciplines. They are somehow like words and phrases that mothers tell their children. So those top …

To enhance the engagement of elite staffs Part1

“When I got into JAL management as the chairman, one of the tough parts is ‘educating top management.’ In other words, how to implement the business philosophy to them. The majority of philosophy consists of the ethical values and disciplines. They are somehow like words and phrases that mothers tell their children. So those top …

Why the business diversification fails for small to middle companies? Part 1

This time, I would like to introduce important points regarding the diversification of small to middle size enterprises. The points, which Mr. Inamori reiterated, are as follows. 1 Thinking about management’s energy allocation 2 Increasing your energy efficiency 3 Developing internal resources as division heads 4 Transferring your energy& mindset to those team leaders 5 …

To survive under pandemic, lessons learned after Lehman Part 2

The fundamental values for us to figure out the direction to head under the unpredictable crisis 1  Explore internal “true-self”, find out “what I really want” 2  Discover what are already given to us 3  Keep endeavor towards the continuous improvement 4  Treasure difficulties given to us 5  Look at universal system surrounding human being …

Six fundamental attitudes to secure your success

Mr. Inamori*, mentioned six fundamental attitudes for business leaders to demonstrate for them to live in prosperity and fulfilment. Those are the following: 1 Strive yourself much harder than anyone else 2 Be always humble, keep your endeavor 3 Reflect your daily life 4 Do good, be faithful, think about altruism 5 Maintain always the …

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