Inamori had always been telling this”

What we are now is the reflection of efforts we made in the past and how we will look like is exactly the reflection of what kind of efforts we are making now. However, I haven’t had any impression that all of you guys are well prepared to demonstrate strong leadership as entrepreneurs. I am actually very much worrying about our future. So, guys, please carefully listen to me. I would like to raise your attention again so that you would be able to reconsider your mindset and behaviors. “


The tips to pass the entrepreneurial leadership to the management team are as follows. We will explain from 5-8


1 Believe yourself as the president of the trading house dealing with your product

2 Thorough and detailed simulation of sales promotion

3 Establish the trust to your product

4 Be challenging and proactive

5 Remain humble, try to be the better person

6 Think the root cause of the failure-mindset-

7 Make the best use of coming opportunities

8 Love your product, client, and your staff



5 Remain humble, try to be the better person

“Aggressive guys tend to demonstrate strong leadership. However, guys, please think about where that leadership comes from. Does he believe in himself too much? Is he a bit arrogant in developing strategy? Please look at me, I am a rather shy guy, a person who can’t be described as aggressive. However, I must eloquently express my strategies: why we believe that this MUST be sold. Because I objectively analyze my plan and instruct you guys based on the thorough analysis.”


6 Think the root cause of the failure-your mindset-

“You guys, again, when you get an unpleasant result, think about how come you are unsuccessful. I believe that you think that your client doesn’t like the product. This is not true. I would think this is because my approach was wrong. This is a matter of your mindset. Forget about looking for excuses. Look only back to the actions you took. I have been repeating to you guys, every negative result has simply come from your mindset. I trust that you have never thought that this product was going to be sold. I know that you have never loved your product. That’s why I reiterate changing your mindset, love your product, always take the better approach to improve your sales. The answer has always been in your mind, not on your client side. “


→ As I have been learning the subliminal mindset and psychologies, most people do not want to change, protect their status quo. They unintentionally look for excuses not to challenge. Inamori therefore, pointed out the issue of our mindset. We should never ignore our mind, soul and emotions. All we should do is care for our mind, change those attitudes to be positive ones, and keep our endeavors.



7 Make the best use of coming opportunities


Before, there had been harsh competition among calculator manufacturers. One manufacturer was about to go bankrupt and asked a rescue to Kyocera. Most of the board members were reluctant to get into that industry, as a later comer would obviously suffer very much. Inamori said that now it is the time to enter this industry.

“Now the war is about to be over. A couple of winners are arrogantly dominating in the arena. Due to the boom or the bullish economy, they have been surviving. From now on, the actual war will start. The winner should be the one who knows business management. I am confident that Kyocera is the one who knows better than anyone else. Why don’t we rescue that company and get into the new business? “


He continued, “I have never looked for chances of our business portfolio diversification; however, I have always been careful not to lose any opportunities that God gives us. This is the smartest strategy to diversify our businesses, guys please keep this in your mind.”


8 Love your product, client, and your staff

The starting point is loving your product as if it were your beloved one. So that you would spontaneously demonstrate the strength of your product. You can convince your clients how attractive your product is. This love comes from the affection and respect towards your clients. You should feel their breath, what they are thinking, what their concerns are in their business. So that you can find the best promotional approach to them. Finally, love your staff and devote yourselves to them. This is the fundamental attitude by which you would be able to take the shortcut to our business goals.


→Recently, every time I read Inamori’s words, I find this love. I started realizing that all we need is love, regardless of our activities, our actions should come from the love for others. Therefore, we can keep our endeavor to achieve higher goals.


Thus,the tips to train the management team and raise their entrepreneurial senses are as follows:


1 Believe yourself as the president of the trading house dealing with your product

2 Thorough and detailed simulation of sales promotion

3 Establish the trust to your product

4 Be challenging and proactive

5 Remain humble, try to be the better person

6 Think the root cause of the failure-mindset-

7 Make the best use of coming opportunities

8 Love your product, client, and your staff


Among the above, simulation skill seems to be the toughest one to acquire. However, believing in ourselves and pushing us hardest to that goal would allow us to demonstrate such excellent skills. Believing has always solved our issues. This is the most important lesson that I learned from this episode.


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