Tags : Inamori Kazuo
How to make your company “Invincible” Part 2
2020年8月11日 Philosophy
We have been discussing on the tips that makes your company “invincible”, under the harsh competition. Mr. Kato, who was the technical director of Sanga and led the team to J1 league. Kato recalled his memory on Inamori’s management style and his winners’ philosophy . Those are: 1Fair Play spirit 2 Strive yourself with fighting …
How to make your followers: tips to make your business profitable Part2
2020年8月5日 Philosophy
based on the below statement, I have been discussing how to develop followers. “Think about the character “making profit”, which is the composition of two parts, “follow” plus “people”, which means the follower. Therefore, to make your business profitable, you should make your followers. Followers could be your loyal customers and your loyal employees.” …