This time, Inamori* spoke about the above motto in Kyocera philosophy.

What Inamori said is quoted with “”.


“ To wrestle in the middle of the ring means to always think of the middle of the ring as the edge of the ring and work hard with the mindset that you cannot back down even one step. For example, in the case of a delivery date, instead of thinking of completing the product according to the customer’s delivery date, set the completion date several days before the delivery date, think of this as the edge of the ring, and try to meet that deadline with all your efforts.

With this attitude, even if an unexpected accident occurs, we can still find plenty of time before the edge of the ring, so you can respond adequately and do not cause trouble for your customer. In this way, we need to always keep a safety valve in our workflow and proceed with our work reliably. “

It would be nice if we could work with a sense of leeway like this, but many people cannot do so. I thought about the fundamental reasons for this and came up with the following measures to change our behaviors.


1 Analyze the facts and results

2 See how the subliminal mind works

3 Reset our action drivers



Let me elaborate one by one.


1 Analyze the facts and results

“ When they run around trying to raise money and somehow manage to pay off the bills, they feel satisfied and believe they’ve done a great job. However, they are supposed to have sufficient funds in their bank account and what they did does not look great at all.. “

→ The situation that Inamori described happens simply because they imagine it. In other words, those business leaders subliminally desired such a last minute hustle. The reality reflects our minds. If this is true, managers who run around trying to raise money are hoping for a situation where the bills won’t be paid off. Why do they hope that?

In psychology, money and love( affection ) are interchangeable. Research shows that a child takes money from his mothers’ wallet not because he wants money, but because he wants love to be shown to him. We have such a strong desire that we can feel reassured that love and attention are being shown to them by having someone provide them with money. Such desires have always driven business leaders to unintentionally rely on others’ help.


2 See how the subliminal mind works

“ The due date of the bill is informed in advance, and it should be obvious that you need to prepare money before that. So why do they only start running at the last minute?

It’s always these people who make excuses, such as they were supposed to borrow money from someone but the person couldn’t make it. However, I think this is totally nonsense.”

→ If you have a subconscious minds that you are not loved and that you are not needed in this world, you are likely to act like this manager. By causing such troubles and getting money from others, they want to confirm that the affections or care are directed to those trouble makers.

Therefore, those top leaders can make sure that they are needed and loved ones. This looks tricky but this is how the subliminal minds have been driving us.


3 Reset our action drivers

“ (My friend) replied, ‘You don’t know anything. This is a preparation guide for students who goes to college for further study. I will be studying at a college.’ Until then, I had been pursuing physical strength or skills. However since then, I’ve started to feel ashamed of my poor grades as well as my ignorance.

I started studying from about the middle of my second year of high school. Until then, I had hardly studied at all, so I started studying physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc. I learned again the contents of the first year of junior high school to prepare for the college entrance exams. I was not so intelligent, so I had to cover them up with my hard work. “

→ In the 12 principles of businesses management which Inamori highlighted , there is an expression that says we must have a strong desire that penetrates our subconscious. If you experience a strong shock or impact as did Inamori, your subconscious may be rewritten. Therefore, if you are always late in taking action or can’t take measures until the last minute, you need to rewrite your subconscious.

As Mr. Inamori says, you need to have an experience and emotional shock that makes you feel ashamed of yourself from the bottom of your heart. For those who are unable to take action until the last minute, or who always have trouble raising money, the root cause is often a lack of affection or self-confidence towards their own existence. Therefore, it is necessary to realize that love has always been given to you and heal your emotions.

Having an individual counseling or professional help may work to steadily face your own emotions. By releasing these emotions, you can heal yourself, and the rewriting of your subconscious will progress significantly.



So, to sum up, releasing your emotions and rewriting your subconscious mind will change your behavior. If you do this, you will no longer have trouble raising money, and you will be able to wrestle in the center of the ring. For those who are unable to do it until the last minute, it’s effective to deal with the root cause in this way.



* Mr. Kazuo Inamori, the founder of Kyocera, KDDI (one of the top tele communication companies in Japan) and the top of revitalization project of JAL. As a well-known Japanese entrepreneur, he has been sharing his experiences and management know-how with managements of small to middle companies in Japan.



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