This time, Inamori* spoke about the above motto in Kyocera philosophy.

What Inamori said is quoted with “”.


“ Even when you find yourself in a difficult situation, you must confront those challenges. Under the utmost pressure, you will suddenly be able to find hints to solve issues. As the saying goes, ” Under the emergency, you can demonstrate superhuman power” – by seriously tackling problems under desperate conditions, people can demonstrate strength that is unimaginable under normal circumstances.

Humans tend to take the easy way out, but by constantly pushing yourself to a very challenging situation, you would spontaneously be able to produce the solution that even surprises you. ”

The reasons why Inamori stressed this motto to us are as follows.


1 Deliver the satisfactory results

2 Get the God’s advice

3 Not to regret later



Let me explain one by one.


1 Deliver the satisfactory results

“ This is something we must keep in mind, especially under the recession. When solving issues, I have always tried to push myself harder. Rather than escaping from the harsh reality, I pushed myself into difficulties with the feeling that I was confronting the problem. I once experienced something similar during research.

I was up all night every day, and I was not getting good results from my experiments. I struggled and pushed myself to my limits, and continued my experiments day and night. Then, in the midst of this desperate situation, one day I suddenly had a moment of coming to my senses. The tension that had been building up until then eased, and a hint for solving the problem suddenly came to me, and when I tried an experiment based on that hint, it worked. This is what happened. “

“When you think it’s time to give up, that’s when the actual work begins” is a motto in the Kyocera philosophy. Even if you think you can’t make it in time, it’s over, if you calm down, take a deep breath, make up your mind, think, and act, you may find an unexpected solution.

When I think about it that way, I believe that in order to achieve results, you need a kind of determination, or a sort of strong desire to achieve your goal, and that spirit is then transmitted to those around you and changes their behavior. Therefore you would eventually be able to achieve your goal.


2 Get the God’s advice

“ In I think the reason I was still able to achieve that great goal was because I was determined to get the results I wanted, and I was crazy to push myself to my limit, and then I got a hint for development when the tension suddenly eased. In the Kyocera Philosophy, there is an expression that if you push yourself to your limits and work hard, you will eventually receive advice from God.

Of course, it is important to have a flash of inspiration, but I think it is fair to say that it is as if God was willing to give you his mercy as you were working so hard. That is why I tell my staff to work hard enough that God wants to reach out to them, and then they will surely receive a revelation. “

→You can’t rely on others. It is important to have the determination to do everything by yourself. However, I think you must work hard enough that “something great” feels sorry for you and wants to help you out a little.

Some people think it is important to enjoy yourself while working and others believe that we must work ascetically without any pleasure. I think what’s important is to work as hard as we can, not for our own egoism, but for others, for us to get God’s support.


3 Not to regret later

“ There is another meaning to this devotion to research and pushing yourself. When you push yourself to the limit and reach a point where you think you can’t do any more, you have the confidence that you have done your best, and you can reach a state of mind where you just wait for fate to come. In a recession, companies around you go bankrupt one after another, and your company’s orders decrease, but even in that situation, you are desperately devoting yourself to your work, and this devotion gives you peace of mind. I have also done my best, and then waited for fate to come, and I have done my best until I thought that if the company goes bankrupt despite my efforts, I am ready to accept the outcome.

If you do things less concentrated, when your company goes bankrupt, you will regret that you should have done a little more at that time. This is very important, and most people do things half-heartedly, so they end up worrying and regretting that they shouldn’t have done it at that time, because bills don’t get paid, there is no prospect of raising funds, it seems like the company is about to go bankrupt, and they end up worrying and regretting that they should have done it at that time.

Furthermore, such stress can damage your health, and in the worst case scenario, it can even cost you your life. Do your best, think to yourself, ‘I’ve done my best and wait for heaven’s will’. In other words, push yourself until you reach a state of peace and tranquility. “

→ I wonder if I always do my best or not. I tend to get distracted, but I wonder if I should think about what to do with difficult tasks and sincerely implement solutions. Inamori says to clear our mind and think about the content of the next task, but I think I should train more to get such a skill: clean up my mind and concentrate only on the topic in front of me.


So, to sum up, you need to push yourself to get hints that could be called divine revelation, get results, and give your best without regretting later. By conducting this motto, I want to turn a crisis into an opportunity.



* Mr. Kazuo Inamori, the founder of Kyocera, KDDI (one of the top tele communication companies in Japan) and the top of revitalization project of JAL. As a well-known Japanese entrepreneur, he has been sharing his experiences and management know-how with managements of small to middle companies in Japan.


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