This is episode of Mr. Inamori, how to give feedback to staffs.

“… every time I reported to Mr. Inamori, I wasn’t sure how he would react, whether he would be happy or unhappy with my delivery and give me severe feedback.

However, I would like to share with you one episode. When a guy reported Mr. Inamori good results and his good performance, the Honorary Chairman Inamori said, “No, this is not enough. I know you could have done more.” On the other hand, for a staff who did his best but could not deliver good results, Mr. Inamori told, ” You did your best with a good and honest mindset, so keep your endeavor.” The Honorary Chairman has not given any severe comments to anyone who remains humble and works hard for the company. This was very impressive to me. ”

Let’s call the former staff Andy. Mr. Inamori gave severe comments to Andy.

Let’s call the latter staff Bob. Mr. Inamori gave encouraging comments to Bob.

Differences between two guys, from my points of view, are as follows;

1 Intentions: being giver or taker

2 Who to fulfill? What has driven you to take such an action?

3 Strive yourself harder or not


this time, let me explain No. 2 and 3.


2 Who fulfill? What has driven you to take such an action?

Andy wanted to fulfill himself. However, Bob delivered all what he had to fulfill others. Mr. Inamori had a clear separation between the two.


3 Strive yourself harder than anyone else or not

Bob has been striving hard but he was not bring results. Mr. Inamori might have thought as follows. “Bob has a passion, good and right mindset, but he lacks capability/ experience, so he should just work harder so that he would be able to have insights how to fill in the gap. By doing this, he would be able to achieve the goal that he set out.

Andy’s performance was different. At least, Mr. Inamori’s saw Andy’s performance as a sort of “warming up”. Even though Andy demonstrated his utmost sincerity and honesty, Mr. Inamori knew everything.

To sum up, a performance to be encouraged should have the following.

1 Giver’s Intentions,

2 To fulfill others

3 Hard work to complete the delivery


Mr. Inamori experienced such deliveries in his life, thus he was spontaneously able to tell which one to be valued. He also knows which one to be revised, like the judge made by God.

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