How to deal with Jedi? Tendering your Force
2021年8月22日 Philosophy
The famous Hollywood film “Star Wars” has been a spectacular space adventure where the Force, good Heroes combats the Jedi, the evil spirits prevailing in the universe. In our society, every scene in our businesses, regardless of the industries or entity sizes, we must combat those evil spirits, Jedi, while maintaining our good and faithful …
Live in a world of profitability
2021年8月20日 Philosophy
Inamori mentioned corporate profitability. “There is basically no difference between two companies: profitable ones and loss-making ones. The latter must work hard and drive their profitability tremendously in the short term. So, they could live in a world of profit. I call it changing the world, which means changing your mindset, the environment, players, …
To make your management team a group of entrepreneurs Part 2
2021年8月9日 Philosophy
Inamori had always been telling this” What we are now is the reflection of efforts we made in the past and how we will look like is exactly the reflection of what kind of efforts we are making now. However, I haven’t had any impression that all of you guys are well prepared to demonstrate …
Why is Ono invisible? -for martial art fans-
2021年8月5日 Japanese Culture
I feel that those who are interested in the martial arts have been watching Tokyo Olympic games. I, as an Aikido fan, have been checking especially JUDO. I was very much impressed with the performance and results that Ono demonstrated, even though he was unsuccessful in group matches. photo from wikipedia As I have analyzed …
To make your management team a group of entrepreneurs Part 1
2021年8月3日 Philosophy
Inamori had always been telling this” What we are now is the reflection of efforts we made in the past and how we will look like is exactly the reflection of what kind of efforts we are making now. However, I haven’t had any impression that all of you guys are well prepared to demonstrate …
Envisaging, Desiring, and believing
2021年7月29日 Uncategorized
Some entrepreneurs put high importance on business administrative skills and techniques. Others rely more on the mental parts of business leaders. Inamori always spends a great deal of his time speaking about how important our mind is to Seiwajuku mates. This time, he highlighted how important it is to envisage, desire, and believe for business …
The secret of resilience, from JP companies with 300yrs history
2021年7月27日 Family Business
Under the COVID pandemic, more and more family businesses have asked the bankruptcy procedures. This is not only due to their financial status but also the lack of successors. As many of JPs family businesses have had that successor issue, under COVID, they easily tend to give up keeping their businesses. Around 2014, the …
For whom the president works? Part 2
2021年7月23日 Philosophy
Mr. Inamori raised the question “For whom does the president work?”. However, Mr. Inamori said that presidents should work to fulfill their lives. So what can fulfill those presidents’ lives? Money, wealth, fame, or excitement, or something to fulfill their desires? Inamori said, nothing can ultimately fulfill presidents, unless they think about their own souls …
For whom the president works? Part 1
2021年7月21日 Uncategorized
“For Whom the Bell Tolls” is the novel of Earnest Hemingway published in 1940. However, this time, Mr. Inamori raised the question “For whom does the president work?”. In other words, this asks about the presidents’ lives. For what reason are they working so hard? Some say that to be rich, that’s why they are …
Why is the studio apartment investment now?
2021年7月19日 Market Trend
For past half decade, the studio investment has been a trend in Japan. Those arrangers have acquired land on behalf of the potential investors, planed and developed the site as the studio apartment and sold them to the investors. Especially in Kyushu region, the Southern part of Japan, those service providers have been quit active. …