Mr. Inamori mentioned how important it is in his life to meet a person who supports him / instructs him to follow the right direction.

For instance, his junior high school teacher convinced Inamori’s parents to have him go to higher education. His high school teacher did the same so that Inamori went to university. His university professor stopped him from wasting his talents in the emerging market as an engineer. Mr. Inamori said all of them helped him to follow the right direction where he was supposed to. Incorporating his story, I would like to demonstrate the tips to find a good supporter or mentor in our lives. The tips are as follows;

1  Strive yourself much harder than anyone else.

2  Maintain honest and straightforward attitude

3  Respond and satisfy Gods as if they were your clients

4  Develop your capability on “forward looking attitudes”

5  Make endeavor to be a better person

6  Conduct and practice as your master instructed

7  Be sensitive with information coming to you

8  Look for what your master has sought

9  Realize true self as a human being with desires

10 Keep releasing your ideas



1 Strive yourself much harder than anyone else

When I was working for non-Japanese company in Tokyo, I found myself to be the most fulfilled business person in Japan. With almost no stress in my reporting line or with my colleagues, felt full responsibility, and sufficient financial rewards, I did really enjoy my responsibility. This is due to my supervisor. I was really happy to work with him.

Let me tell you why I had such a fortune to meet him.

I was working in the office in Germany, that supervisor, (Meit ) came to me and asked to have some discussion. It was around 7 or 8 o’clock in the evening, a few people were there. I said yes and in his office, discussed a lot of topics regarding real estate market Japan, tenure structure, and the market practice of real estate valuation. I feel that he liked me as a colleague and later on, I eventually worked with him, it was the starting point of my fortune as global real estate investment advisor.


If I had not liked working hard and said no, my career would not have been developed in that way. Actually, I liked talking with him, I could have got such luck as a business person.

Therefore, I really feel that working hard, striving yourself is the most important thing for you to find a good supporter.


2  Maintain honest and straightforward attitude

Under the 12 commandments for business leaders, as the principle No 12, Mr.Inamori encourages us “Be always positive, honest and straightforward with dreams and hope”. When I was working for a JPs consulting firm, I shared my dream and career ambition with my supervisor. I told him that I would like to study abroad to become a global real estate advisor. He understood my wish and supported me till I got the admission from overseas business schools. Honest mind for sure brought me his support.


3  Respond and satisfy Gods as if they were your clients

When I was studying English to improve my TOEFL scores, my colleague, who had studied abroad before I did, advised me, “Strive yourself and keep your endeavor as God is always watching you” This phrase encouraged me a lot.


Now that I have been working as a global professional, I perceive that God is watching me as my client and making my best efforts to satisfy him. Such attitudes definitely work for me to have good advice from others and to deliver the better performances.


4  Develop your capability on “forward looking attitudes”


When we start viewing our future and have a clear image of “myself in a several years”, our mindset would change. We would be able to have a clear scheduling from our future goal to now: what I should do now in order for me to be like that within a certain time frame. The goal first then induces items to do now. This is the practical approach for us to find a good mentor or advisor to lead our ultimate goals.


5  Make endeavor to be a better person

In my twenties or thirties, the goals of my life was achieving a higher position, to be rewarded more and to get a life everybody envies. I think I paid less attention to mentors or advisors in my life even though those people interacted with me. In my forties, I realized the ultimate objective of our lives; polishing our own souls which we can bring to our next lives.

Since I understood the ultimate objective of my life, I feel I have eventually encountered advisors, supporters, and mentors in my life. They have given me advice, insights, and sometimes intuitions of what to do, which directions I may follow. Now I feel that changing the objective of my life was a sort of tuning point in my life to fulfill more my internal true-self.


tips from 6-10 will be shared in the next blog.

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