The fundamental values for us to figure out the direction to head under the unpredictable crisis

1  Explore internal “true-self”, find out “what I really want”

2  Discover what are already given to us

3  Keep endeavor towards the continuous improvement

4  Treasure difficulties given to us

5  Look at universal system surrounding human being


3  Keep endeavor towards the continuous improvement

Mr. Inamori shared his views as follows.

“Around 50yrs ago, I was 27yrs old, I eventually got the president of Kyocera Corp. Since then, fortunately, Kyocera has survived without making any loss and developed as a multi-billion dollar sales company. What was the key for us to achieve such a goal? I believe striving hard and continuous endeavor for improvements, those two are the principle drivers of our growth. During the time, we experienced so-called Oil Shock, JPY’s huge application, no matter how harsh against winds have blown to us, all those diligence and endeavor have driven us to commit to the growth.”


I found tips which Mr. Inamori shared with us are how to survive difficulties.


I would like to show the family business case: 89 yr old founder harassed his first son (62) , the son committed suicide and the ground son sued the ground father, the founder. Details are found in my blog. The empire collapse: JPs family business case

The empire collapse: JPs family business case


Looking at the passed son, I feel he could have survived by figuring out the way out.


Under Aikido, Japanese martial art, Ukemi-falling techniques- is very important. Ukemi is applied not only to the martial art but also to our lives. When we encounter some difficulties or obstacles, we can overcome, making detours, or reduce the shocks, all those we can execute as Ukemi.


Under the above family business case, the son could have taken Ukemi. Ukemi looks like the same technique as Mr. Inamori said, continuous endeavors. When they get stuck, look for the way out, work hard, keep trying & error, then finally figure out the solution, or come up with new technologies. The accumulations of those cycles are the backbone of Kyocera’s growth.


Under the crisis, it’s better to think about keeping endeavor for further improvements.


4  Treasure difficulties given to us

Mr. Inamori said, “Actually, it was not a series of sweet and sunny days, when I look back at the path I followed with Kyocera. That could be described as the huge pile of bitter and harsh moments, indeed. However, without those moments, we could not have either fulfilled our staffs, secured the life of their families, or contributed to the community where Kyocera committed ourselves. So I have been thinking of the fulfillment, what exactly made me relieved and made me realize the significance of our lives. Such satisfactory and fulfillment are actually the reward to be given to us, business leaders. I believe that reward is the most precious and valuable thing that I can have in this world. ”



This is the matter of how we convert our energies into different objects. Mr. Inamori made efforts to fulfill others. His energies are accompanied with his positive wish and delivered to Kyocera people. We could say that this is a positive cycle of energy: amplified positive intentions to the others.


5  Look at universal system surrounding human being

The other day, I participated in a workshop ” Better life and enlightenment” ,organized by Ms. Mitsuko Shimomura. In the program, we listened to the lecture by the professor Kazuo Murakami, “Laughter cures the disease? Interesting linkage between “mind” and genes.”

In the near future, it will be possible to decipher almost all human genes. It was said that our body is made up of about 60 trillion cells, and the nucleus of each chromosome contains an enormous amount of 3 billion gene codes. It’s an unbelievable system governed beyond human knowledge. I think it’s a supreme system created by the universe.


If we think about phenomena beyond the human’s control, we will be able to realize how small we are. When we start paying attention to such systems, we may be able to get a big picture of issues that we face and to get inspiration or insight from the universe.

to sum up the followings are tips to survive under the pandemic.

1  Explore internal “true-self”, find out “what I really want”

2  Discover what are already given to us

3  Keep endeavor towards the continuous improvement

4  Treasure difficulties given to us

5  Look at universal system surrounding human being


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