This time, Inamori* spoke about the above motto in Kyocera philosophy.

What Inamori said is quoted with “”.


“ Boldness and overcautiousness are two extreme characteristics, but it is only by combining these two extremes that one can demonstrate perfect business management. Combining these two extremes does not simply mean “the golden mean.” It is like the threads that form a twill weave. While the warp thread is bold, the weft is overcautious.

Boldness allows you to work dynamically, while overcautiousness prevents failure. It is difficult to combine boldness and overcautiousness from the beginning, but by always keeping these two extremes in mind in various situations throughout your work, you will be able to combine these two extremes. “


The reasons why Mr. Inamori said above are as follows.


1. To fulfill the lack of human resources in small to middle size companies

2. To take the once in a century chance

3. To conduct the greatest good for a staff



Let me elaborate one by one.


1. To fulfill the lack of human resources in small to middle size companies

“ Matsushita Electric was led by the two leaders: Konosuke Matsushita and Kotaro Takahashi, who was also known as a vice chair, while Sony was developed and lead by two tops: the engineer Masaru Ibuka and the head of the sales, Akio Morita. In other words, it is difficult for one person to have both extreme qualities, so a great strategist or manager needs an assistant who can fill in the top leader’s shortcomings.

However, this does not apply to small to medium-sized enterprises. It is not easy to find such a suitable assistant in a small to medium-sized enterprise simply due to the lack of human resources. Therefore, in small and medium-sized enterprises, the top executives must be able to combine two contradictory extreme qualities and make them function normally. Even if you are a manager of a small or medium-sized enterprise, and you are not particularly talented, you are required to have such a high level of ability. No matter how hard a task it looks, you must demonstrate it anyway. “

→It is true that managers of small to medium-sized enterprises have to play many roles by themselves, such as sales, manufacturing, accounting, and business planning. At the same time, they must create a bright and friendly atmosphere while also instilling a corporate culture of strictly following the rules. Like an actor, you must play different roles to the fullest.

President Reagan of the United States was an actor in early his career. We could say that he had created the role of the American president in his mind, and played it precisely and meticulously. I think that as a manager of a small business, I have to imagine Mr. Inamori in the early days of Kyocera, and play that role to the fullest.


2. To take the once in a century chance

“ This is a once in a century turning point. We may be able to play the key role in this great transformation. We have the experiences and capability to accomplish this great task, and now we have been given the opportunity to participate in it. I believe that we are truly blessed.

Guys, life is very short, such a chance never comes to us that we are willing to deliver our fullest efforts in our lives. Let’s take this greatest opportunity, let’s take on the challenge. “

→ This is what Inamori said when he founded KDDI and entered the telecommunications business. Inamori prepared meticulously and showed boldness to compete with the industry giant NTT, the former national monopolistic telecommunication entity. As a result, he was able to create a telecommunication business, which became an important core business line for the Kyocera Group, and to grow it to the top of the industry.

I think that meticulousness and boldness are characters that are displayed in turns, just like threads that make up fabric. I believe that by preparing meticulously and acting boldly, the company grows, leading to success and fulfillment of all the staff.


3. To conduct the greatest good for a staff

“ Companies where employees describe their president, ‘Our president is a really good person’ are usually not performing well. Because a business cannot be successful with a manager who is always a good person. Of course, a company where employees describe its leader, ‘There is no one as ruthless as our president’ is also not performing well. The top leader should not be either too nice or too cruel. One person must have both characters. . . .

For instance, if you just keep pleasing your employees, you will eventually ruin the company. Even one lazy staff could make the company bankrupt, despite all the efforts made by other diligent staff. If you allow this tragedy to happen, you would commit a great sin. You could have had the courage to ruthlessly fire that lazy and evil employee before other staff are influenced. When you need to scold your staff, you must be harsh and ruthless to him/her simply because this would eventually be a great good to that person. “

→ We, top leaders, must have the courage to be the nasty boss. Furthermore, it is necessary to harshly and ruthlessly scold that staff so as for him/her to perceive this event impressive enough to be recorded under his/her subliminal mind. Therefore, sometimes leaders need to harshly scold one staff member in front of others. By doing this, the event and situation is recorded under the subconscious mind of that employee.

Subconscious mind can drive his/her actions and eventually allow him/her to conduct good business practice. Those who are serious about improving themselves keep seeking a master, who can harshly scold them. It took me several decades to understand this system: how the subliminal works. I am still learning, and I think I must be a nasty boss without pretending to be a good leader.



In summary, to seize the greatest opportunities and conduct the great good in the lives of employees in small and medium-sized enterprises with limited human resources, leaders must possess the two extreme qualities of boldness and carefulness and must make them efficiently work. I think leaders must make the right decisions and take the right actions with these two extremes.



* Mr. Kazuo Inamori, the founder of Kyocera, KDDI (one of the top tele communication companies in Japan) and the top of revitalization project of JAL. As a well-known Japanese entrepreneur, he has been sharing his experiences and management know-how with managements of small to middle companies in Japan.



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