Many of you have heard the name of Mary Kondo, who released her know-how on how to get your environment organized. This became a sort of best seller in many countries. At the same time, the word “Dan Sha Ri” has been well-used in our society.

Dan means cutting, quitting something

Sha means throwing away, or leaving yourself from something

Ri means staying away from something, or place something far from you.

Those three words represent a mind set of minimalist. Consider what you need and what you don’t need. Place minimums stuffs surround you. Live simple and identify actually necessary items to you. Those are the message that released from Konmari.


Very beginning of April, Japanese government announced the emergency measurement and we start staying at home. Before the May successive holidays, Tokyo Governor encouraged us to read Mary Kondo and get ourselves organized in pleasant environment. This worked a lot and many people uploaded their organized working environment on their SNS pages.


Not only the physical stuffs but also mental insistence, now it is the time to release…