In Japan, the master plan, which can be interpreted as the urban development planning, has been structured as following. This would give you a big picture on how we can find a sort of guideline for the real estate development.



1 Planned area: Toshi Keikaku kuiki 都市計画区域

Most of the area in Japan has been identified as the planned area, where the fundamental master plan has been developed.

Under the planned area, there are three categories.

  • Development promoted area: Shigaika Kuiki 市街化区域
  • Development restricted area: Shigaika chosei Kuiki 市街化調整区域
  • Development Un-identified area : Hisenbiki Kuiki 非線引き区域

Rural areas are sometimes categrized as Hisenbiki – Development Un-identified area -, where the new development restriction is sometimes found as relatively flexible.


2 Development promoted area: Shigaika Kuiki 市街化区域

Zoning(Youto chiiki 用途地域) has been allocated under the Development promoted area. Zonings are basically residential, commercial, and industrial, each one of which is sub-categorized into several specific zonings.


The volume allowance as well as the footprint ratio have been allocated each sub zoning, according to Building Standards Act. The zoning, volume allowance, footprint ratio, together with other applicable laws and regulations can be found under the following site.


3 Development restricted area: Shigaika chosei Kuiki 市街化調整区域

Basically, under the Shigaika Choisei Kuiki, building as well as land developments are forbidden. Exceptionally, a famers house which has originally been there since before the area identification, can be redeveloped when the property owner wants to and has the permission from the authority. Or other uses which should exist in the area such as hospital or neighborhood small grocery store, may be allowed to redevelop.


4 Development Un-identified area : Hisenbiki Kuiki 非線引き区域


Under this area, usually, the footprint ration is 30% to 70% and basically 50% to 400% volume allowance are designated under the zoning.



Notes: Agricultural Land

Basically, if the subject land is “Agricultural Land ” defined under Agriculture promotion  Act(Nogyo Shinko Hou 農業振興法)or is not  finally determined by the local authorities. This can be checked at city hall or Agricultural committee.

If the land is Agricultural land located in No 2 (Development promoted area: Shigaika Kuiki 市街化区域), the permission process may be much easier.

However, if the land is located under the No 3. Development restricted area: Shigaika chosei Kuiki 市街化調整区域, or even 4, the owner needs to change the land use from the agriculture to the land for building development.


Further details and approval process must be double checked with local agricultural committee and the new owner should open the dialogues with local authorities.


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