Tags : approval
How come we can have gratitude to others? Tips for sustainability.
2022年2月24日 Philosophy
One of the Kyocera mottos is “Having a gratitude”. Mr. Inamori always tells this in his workshop. “Without the harmony among the people in a company, we cannot make something that pleases our customers, because the product reflects the mindset of the person who makes it. However, the selfish mindset never works to create harmony. …
What is the process of development permission in Japan?
2021年3月5日 CivilEngineering
In Japan, when it comes to a building construction, there are two major building permissions to be considered. 1 Land development permission and 2 Building permission. No 1 is required for the land with more than a certain size however, No 2 is required for the most of buildings. For the large size of land, …