In the last month Liberal Democratic Party (LPD) presidential election, Kishida won among several candidates. In this article, we would like to demonstrate the Asian fortune telling analysis of two of them, Kishida, the winner and Kono, the youngest one, as this is an interesting comparison of how we take advantage of our luck given by the heaven.

Before getting into detail, I would like to tell you a bit of background of Asian fortune telling. The method that we would like to demonstrate is Asian astrology, Sanmeigaku, which has its origin in Ancient China, with thousands of history. Sanmeigaku astrology analyze the energy stream spread and prevailing in the universe and its influence on to an individual human, and deliver some outcome or  to anticipate the future of that person. Around the Great Cultural Revolution in China, most of data was about to burn, and its core concept as well as methodologies were introduced to Japan, and have been developed to the system as of today.

What I would like to raise your attention in this article is that the destiny can be changed by individual’s mindset. This can be well explained by the episode of this Kishida and Kono. The analysis was made by Ms. Cameria, a friend of mine and who has been learning this Sanmigkau astrology


Let’s start with Kishida, he has been in a very good and ideal cycle of the luck. This is the luckiest condition which could come once in a 60 year. Under Sanmeigaku, such a best of the best condition can be interpreted as a message: The heaven tells you to be brave, the time of carrying out your desire or will. Kishida intentionally or unintentionally to follow this message. He has the almost same politician career in terms of years as does Abe. Kishida had carefully positioned himself in one of the principle sections in LDP during Abe regime.

Once Suga showed his resignation, Kishida was the first person to raise its hand. The Goddess of luck is very fond of such an attitude.


However, Kono’s case, he has often changed his position. For instance, first he stressed that the anti nuclear power generation system but quite recently, Kono changed his position. The same turning around was seen in his argument of “female emperor succession”. First he supported this idea but during the LDP presidential election, he changed his position to the totally opposite and got upset once he had been accused his changing mind.

This disappointed the Goddess of luck.

This is an example of how we can interpret astrology system to fulfill our lives. We, of course, for all the human being, have to find our own compass and sail to our lives. The liberal arts developed in Asian domain somehow helps for us to find the best compass to indicate our direction.

In the world of business as well as politics, in Asia, most of famous figures have been referring to this system and put the high importance on the messages that they can get for them to make the best decisions.


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