The accounting essence for the business administration ― Pricing is everything, Max revenue, Min cost―
2023年8月15日 Philosophy
This time, Inamori* spoke about the above motto in his book : Practical Accounting -Business Administration and Accounting -. What Inamori said is quoted with “”. Mr. Inamori demonstrated the below four points as the principles which fundamentally impact profits and losses, in the chapter of “My Accounting and Management.” Maximum sales, minimum expenses Pricing …
Protect the company and its people -Double checking system must always work-
2023年8月8日 Philosophy
This time, Inamori* spoke about the above motto to Seiwajuku workshop members. What Inamori said is quoted with “”. “People can simply make mistakes. Even though we understand that we should never do this, occasionally, we end up making mistakes due to some reasons. To prevent such mistakes and fraud, it is necessary to …
No exemption, no fraud – Philosophy “One- to- one reconciliation principle”
2023年8月1日 Philosophy
This time, Inamori* spoke about the above motto to Seiwajuku workshop members. What Inamori said is quoted with “”. “In selling your goods or services, it is important to precisely match each item with its record one- to- one, rather than recording them in a lump sum. For example, we must not move cash or …
Hints for inventions and improvements – Philosophy “Listen to what the product tells you”
2023年7月25日 Philosophy
This time, Inamori* spoke about the above motto to Seiwajuku workshop members. What Inamori said is quoted with “”. “When a problem arises or when you get stuck in your work, that is the moment when you should sincerely and humbly observe the products, process, or phenomenon. For example, at a manufacturing process, despite all …
Polish your mentality – Create super knife-edged products-
2023年7月18日 Philosophy
This time, Inamori* spoke about the above motto to Seiwajuku workshop members. What Inamori said is quoted with “”. “ The products we make must be ‘super knife-edged products’. I mean it is a wonderful product that looks and feels sharp and tactile, like a newly issued banknote. The creator’s personality naturally appears in …
Make your experience useful—experience oriented.
2023年7月11日 Philosophy
“Empirical insights and findings are indispensable for technological development and manufacturing industries. Theory alone cannot help anything. For example, in the case of ceramics, anyone can understand that they can be made by mixing the raw material powders, molding them, and firing them at a high temperature. However, you will never know what it exactly …
Keep beginners’ humility-Field experiment oriented-
2023年7月4日 Philosophy
This time, Inamori* spoke about the above motto to Seiwajuku workshop members. What Inamori said is quoted with “”. “The starting point of manufacturing is at the manufacturing site. The starting point of sales is the place where we contact customers. When a problem arises, it is necessary, first of all, to return to the …
Money and affection ― “Buy only what you need”―
2023年6月27日 Philosophy
This time, Inamori* spoke about the above motto to Seiwajuku workshop members. What Inamori said is quoted with “”. “When purchasing goods and raw materials, you should not easily buy more than you need, simply thinking about the economy of scale. Buying more than you need is a waste of money. For example, even …
How to remain thrifty in our lives and daily management -Learn thrifty life-
2023年6月20日 Philosophy
“Generally, once we have started making a profit, we tend to spend more as we are getting tired of saving expenses. However, if each department starts spending unnecessary expenses, the profit of the company will be greatly impaired. Once you get used to such spending, even if you try to tighten your expenses again under …
Keep communicating -Goal must be understood-
2023年6月15日 Philosophy
Inamori shared how to conduct the above motto with Seiwajuku members. What Inamori mentioned is quoted with “” “In order to achieve a goal, the goal must be known to everyone. In other words, it is necessary for everyone to share the goal and spontaneously act towards it. For example, in both the sales and the …