Kyocera has sponsored a professional football team, Kyoto Purple Sanga. Mr. Kato, who was the technical director of Sanga and led the team to J1 league. Kato recalled his memory on Inamori’s management style and his winners’ philosophy and summarized tips to make the team “Invincible”

The tips for winning the competitions are follows:

1Fair Play spirit
2 Strive yourself with fighting spirits

3 Make your efforts for others
4 Be winner in your life not in a match
5 Master how to use “Carrot and stick”
6 Keep endeavor to be a better person


Let me explain one by one.


1 Fair Play spirit

“The Honorary Chairman said nothing about our game strategy however he said we should always demonstrate Fair Play spirits. The Honorary Chairman hates back-pass. The closer the ball is to the opponent’s goal, the higher the probability of scoring. The closer the ball is to your goal, the higher the chance of losing a goal. That is totally true. At the same time, the team that plays less active than the opponent can never win. The team that does not have the fighting spirit compared to the opponent can never win. Techniques, strategies and tactics all follow after such fundamental prerequisites. In football, it is important not only to make the ball roll, but to make people running. “, Mr. Kato said.


The closer you are to the victory, the more feared you are to lose.

When you lose, you may be afraid of

being criticized by others,

getting humiliated,

getting defeated,

getting hurt enough to remain loser


Therefore, people tend to choose a safer path.

I think this is what the Goddess of victory hates. Kunio Yonenaga , an eternal master of Japanese chess, also mentioned in his book, “Raising your Luck.” He said that Goddess likes the attitude that no matter what kind of match you face, you bring the best efforts of your chess life. Goddness always likes such fighting spirits.


2 Strive yourself with fighting spirits

“How to win is striving yourself with super strong fighting spirits and never giving up against any counter attacks. I don’t want to hear “Sanga’s players’ techniques are really great” but I would like to hear “They are really fighting well, have never given up.” What screens the winner from losers is the spirit, determination, and commitments. Said Mr. Kato.

As mentioned in Mr. Yonenaga’s book, it is said that “luck, dulless, and patience” are important for success. I think piling up your daily efforts and making steady progress and improvement is the shortest way for you to be the winner in a long race. For us to do this, I think the next item is important.


3 Make your efforts for others

Mr. Kato told as follows:

“On the way to Sanga’s home ground, a mother and her boy are standing on the street and smiling with a flag of Sanga… I have seen them every time we play here on our home ground. I have been very much impressed with them. I want to fight and win even for that boy ! Listen guys, we are supposed to work hard to fulfill other people surrounding us and to impress others. Our ultimate objective, therefore, is to fulfill our families, our supporters and sponsors who have supported Sanga so far.”


I think ultimately, such an altruistic mindset will be well blessed by God. People get fulfilled when they realize that they could fulfill others. I think this is a sort of instinct that human beings have. As human beings have such instincts, it is the proof that the universe is already full of love. When one realizes the love of the universe, one can demonstrate the capability to be called a supernatural work. It seems that the game that Sanga could be promoted to J1 was helped with such universal energy.

For the tips from 4-6, I will explain in the next blog.

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