Inamori has been sharing with Seiwajuk workshop members his views on how to treat customers. What Inamori said is quoted with “”.

“ Kyocera was founded as a parts manufacturer, but from the beginning we were an independent company rather than a subcontractor. Independent means creating products one after another that have created the value that customers wanted. Therefore, we must be more knowledgeable than customers in that field. With advanced technology, we must satisfy our customers in terms of delivery, quality, price, new product development, etc. We are required to take the attitude of overturning conventional concepts and thoroughly taking on challenges in response to customer needs. Pleasing our customers is the basis of our business, otherwise we cannot continue to make profits.”

Our main business is real estate.
We have a wide variety of clients in the real estate business. Some clients are hard to be pleased with and others are somehow irrational in making requests to us, vendors.
However, at all times, I think that we must keep in mind that 1) Customers are always right , and 2) All honest trades are equally honorable.

1) Customers are always right

Mr. Inamori said as follows.
“We believe that making our customers happy is the basis of our business. I have told our staff ‘Customers are always right’. Kyocera never neglects technological development, no matter how unreasonable the deadline is. Even if it was midnight, we delivered the product to the customer. This is because we always want our customers to be satisfied. In addition, we have responded to the severe price reduction requests raised by our customers. This is because we have a strong desire to please our customers. In other words, I believe that never failing in customer satisfaction is a fundamental attitude in the business. Otherwise, we never keep making profits. ”

The other day, I was reading a book written by Mr. Inamori. Mr. Inamori said that when he applied ceramics to artificial bones and a sort of scandal occurred, the media severely criticized Kyocera.

It is the media that blamed Kyocera, not their customers. Even so, Mr. Inamori said that he had to endure the humiliation and harassment as necessary obstacles to refine his soul and spirits. Since he had patiently endured such unreasonable punishment from those who were not customers, it would be much easier for him to respond to any orders and requests from customers.

He said that he didn’t fight with his opponent simply because he felt that perseverance helps to offset his own karma. I believe that Mr. Inamori had to practice and conduct so-called “perseverance”, listed under six disciplines in Buddhism.

We should keep fair play and sometimes be courageous against illegal and irrational requests. However, the fundamental attitude is these customers are always right.

2 All honest trades are equally honorable

Some people look down upon so-called entertainment businesses or businesses in red-light areas. Others find some businesses to be dishonorable. Some people also hate certain kinds of jobs. There is a question: are the customers of these businesses always right and are they the ones to be respected? As long as they are legal and ethical, the customers for those businesses are always right and to be respected as guests.

Mr. Inamori said, “Look, guys, the character of ‘Making money’ consists of the combination : believers or followers.” I interpreted his words as follows. ‘We can’t be profitable unless we make our potential customers trust us or respect us’ .

Consequently, I may ask myself: what kind of person would I believe?
I would trust people who are always sincere in everything, never lie or deceive, and keep endeavor in everything. I would respect those who are eager to learn and improve their knowledge and experience. I would listen to those who are humble and considerate of others,
I trust that kind of person. Therefore, I must be such a person, or at least I should bring my best effort to be a better person.

The customer is always right, and this is true of any legal and ethical businesses. Unless otherwise we maintain such an attitude, our business never keeps growing.


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