This is the seventh in the twelve commandments of business administration set out by Mr. Inamoroi.

The subtitle is “Management requires a strong determination as if it could penetrate a chunk of rock.”


I think the points of this principle are the following four.


  1. Management is the manifestation of the “will” of the top management
  2. Transform that will come from the top management to all employees
  3. Transmit with honesty and sincerity
  4. Complete the energy transfer


  1. Transform that desire come from the top management to all employees

The important thing here is to get the empathy of the employees. Originally, management goals were developed from the management’s desire. But at the same time, it is important that the goals should be shared with employees.


Employees rarely set out high targets that look difficult to achieve. They are naturally reluctant to push themselves harder. So management goals should fundamentally be decided from the top down. However, if that is the case, no one will follow, so we must set that high goal as a bottom-up approach oriented from the employees. That is to convert the manager’s desire to that of the employees. That method is not difficult at all. “Our company has great potential. It’s still small now, but we can expect big development in the future.” We set up a casual opportunity to drink, and while drinking alcohol, we declare, “I’m going to double sales this year.” At that time, I have an optimistic staff agree with my idea. “Yes, President, that’s right. We can do it! Let’s do it !!”This is how to create energy and develop the mood.


  1. Transmit the energy with honesty and sincerity

“I think we must have various ingenuity to share management goals with employees and aim to achieve them, while refreshing and motivating employees, rather than simply pushing them to achieve their goals. Of course, the most important thing is not to do it strategically. Do not try to control your staff. However, frankly, openly, honestly, and sincerely, tell them  your desire to achieve the goal at every opportunity.”


  1. Complete the energy transfer

“After doing so hard and telling the employees all the ideas I had in mind, I became vacant, after squeezing all my energy and transferring it to the employees. As a result, the expression “transferring energy” was the most appropriate.”

Therefore, top management’s intention drives the results for the following reasons

  1. Management is the manifestation of the “will” of the top management
  2. Transform that will come from the top management to all employees
  3. Transmit with honesty and sincerity
  4. Complete the energy transfer


Will or desire is a form of an energy. The most important job of the leader may be this one: creating a large scale of energy and transforming it to his people.

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