Mr. Aoyama, an accountant, and the son of the trusted accountant Inamori, summarized the “business management based on the philosophy”.

The fundamental values of this theme are as follows.

1 Sharing the business philosophy-fundamental values- with staffs

2 Leadership -injecting the leader’s energies into the organization-

3 Participation by everyone- every staff gets involved, delivers, and shares the results-

4 Goal setting – every staff needs to demonstrate his maximum capacity to fulfill himself-

5 Accounting management-getingt the figures transparent and compensate humans’ weaknesses-

6 Penetration of philosophy- convincing staffs to share the fundamental values –

7 Amoeba – providing the specific assignments where staffs can conduct the philosophy-

Furthermore, Aoyama mentioned the four fundamental values to be shared with staff.

Value 1 fulfillment -what fulfills you most-

Value 2 mission in work -why we work/ for what we are working-

Value 3 Life objectives -what is the ultimate objective of our lives-

Value 4 Organizational objective -for what mission, does the company exist/ what is the company’s reason to be –


Under Kyocera philosophy, we can deliver answers for the above questions. Aoyama explains.

Value 1 fulfillment -what fulfills you most-

Unlike the fulfillment developed under so-called Western culture, Kyocera emphasized that people are most fulfilled when they achieve a goal with others. Striving, collaborating, delivering utmost effort as a team, then sharing the sense of fulfillment, this is the ultimate form of satisfaction as human beings. Mr. Inamori believed this idea and the Kyocera system was developed under this assumption.


Value 2 mission in work -why we work/ for what we are working-

Work is a training or self -discipline to improve our personalities. Therefore, the harder our work is, the better person we can be.


Value 3 Life objective -what is the ultimate objective of our life-


The objective of our lives is to polish our souls and spirits in our lives. Thus, we should overcome any hardships and difficulties to polish our souls and minds so that they can be turned into the next level.

Value 4 Organizational objective -for what missions does a company exist/ what is the reason to be?


Like our personality, each company has its own corporate character. A company can get greedy and pursue its profit as much as possible. However, this would cause conflicts among the company and lead it to collapse.


Above accounting tips will be explained in next blog.

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