外国人に自分の考え方、英語でなんか言えないよ。。。そんなあなたのストレス、やってみようかなのワクワク感に変えてみませんか? あなたの心のスーパーアドバイザー、ユキーナ ・サントスです。
Q: What do you mean by the innocent mind?
A: As Mr. Inamori* said, a desire which purely comes from the passion towards “others’ sake”, to benefit others before fulfilling your own desire.
Q: But we first think about our own interests and benefit. Is that a natural instinct that all of us have? What’s wrong with that?
A: Mr. Inamori said if you get too greedy and eliminate your competitors with quite mean approach, you would fail over middle to long term. In our world, some people work very hard and remain honest but they may end up unsuccessful in their life or work. On the other hand, some people who push their business growth no matter how nasty/ unpleasant approaches they may take, seem to be successful. People like you, a wise person, would feel that working hard doesn’t deserve, so what’s wrong with acting egoistically? Human beings are naturally born to compete, those who are strong and aggressive can survive at the end of the day! Cleaver people may think like that.
However, please carefully look at those people who achieve their goals with aggressive and unfair methodologies. They may look successful over the short and middle term, but certainly over the long term, they drop from the height that they achieve. Therefore, we have to always be careful to do our business with innocent desire, purely for others.
このようなフィロソフィーメルマガ、ご興味を持っていただけましたら、こちらytomizuka@abrilsjp.com に「限定メルマガ希望」として、メールでご連絡ください。
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